Multipack proudly presents

Geek in the Park

Saturday 13th August 2011 Royal Leamington Spa

Content is a Murderous Robot

Relly Annett-Baker

What will you learn from my talk? That the average website is golden vessel for liquid poo. That you design a toddler’s play table every time you use a new platform for content. That kittens go through shredders feet first when you write a sloppy error message. That inverted pyramids are your new best friends. But mostly that Content is a murderous robot, comprised of brightly coloured ninjas.

Relly Annett-Baker lives in the Home Counties with her husband, Paul Annett, and their two small sons. Her principle employment is a content strategist and writer, runs dedicated workshops in-house with companies big and small. and continues to procrastinate over the draft of her Five Simple Steps book ‘Content Creation for the Web’ due out in 2011.